
Get the most out of your skiing or snowboarding vacation

Get the most out of your ski or snowboard vacation and lift tickets with Ski Smart. Being fit is also a good idea; However, fitness and smart skating are two different concepts. Even the young and fit crowd will ache after all day skiing when they are not used to this activity. The older we get, the harder it becomes to just hit the slopes and ski all day when you haven’t skied in months or even years. So here are some ideas to keep in mind that will help you make the most of your skiing or snowboarding vacation. Another important note, having up-to-date skiing or snowboarding equipment is a must. No need to borrow or use old stuff. You spend a fair amount of money to have a great vacation. Don’t limit yourself with substandard equipment.

For those who have a great physique but don’t have a lot of skiing experience, preparing yourself physically won’t be too difficult. For the rest of us, it’s best to work in some fitness time before your vacation. Skating really works your quadriceps and tests your balance. It’s a good idea to include some strength and balance exercises in your regular fitness routine at least 6 to 8 weeks before your vacation. No need to go crazy to get ready for your ski vacation, just try to be consistent with an exercise program.

Skiing and snowboarding are so much fun and it’s easy to pay the price when you start to feel that exhilaration. Remember that you have every week to ski and you are not used to skiing hard all day. There is no need to exhaust yourself in the first two hours. All ability levels will benefit from warming up on an easy run and getting used to your technique. When you’re ready, move on to more challenging runs, and find something that appeals to you. Limit your ability level push. Allow yourself to be challenged, but realize that you are challenging yourself. Every run you take shouldn’t be more challenging than the last. Try to plan each day around when you are going to “reach your limits.” Don’t think you’ll be able to maintain that all-day limit on every day of your vacation. This is unrealistic and unintelligent. So, in a nut shell, take your time to warm up. Think of a hard run that you would like to tackle that day. Once you feel ready to move on, switch to a personal challenge and then return to an easier run. If you don’t skate to your expectations, pushing yourself again and again won’t necessarily make it happen. You’ll do better by stepping back and coming back in a day or two. Take plenty of breaks and enjoy your social time. These small breaks will provide physical recovery; The freshness that will allow you to ski better and last all day.

Keep in mind that your muscles are not as prepared for skating as they are for your other activities. If you’re on a week’s skiing vacation, take at least two days off. For those who are not in very good physical shape, they will be less skiing. Perhaps buying half day tickets is the way to go. You need to be realistic about how much you can ski and make room for your days on the slope. You will get the highest quality ski time this way. Try to accommodate some physical recovery time, too. Do some walking. Even walking around the shops will help your blood circulation and reduce pain. If you have access to a bike trainer or a swimming pool, some light aerobic exercise will do wonders. Try stretching before and after skiing, even 15 minutes can make a difference. For those with some soreness, try taking a normal dose of your favorite anti-inflammatories with breakfast and again before bed.

Skis and snowboards have made a real revolution over the past few years. Don’t bother borrowing old equipment to save a few bucks. No amount of freebies with older equipment will improve your skiing experience or your entire vacation experience. The best way to improve your skating ability and general “fun factor” is a demonstration or Rent modern ski or snowboard equipment.

Be smart and have a great vacation. Spend some time incorporating strength and balance exercises into your regular fitness routine a month or two in advance. Realize when you’re planning your vacation that you want to spend a day or two skiing. This vacation between ski days will help you ski better. Rent skis or snowboards if you don’t have modern equipment. Skate smarter by limiting how hard you challenge yourself. Spend plenty of time warming up on easy runs and returning to these runs to avoid fatigue. Take long breaks. Consider doing some light aerobic recovery exercises after skiing. A good mantra to follow is to always check yourself. There is no need to step out of your comfort zone. Get the most out of your ski or snowboard vacation by being smart. A little cleverness can get you along the way.

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